because of the aboundance of entries, and the comprehensiveness of verbal paradigms, constructions, phraseology, and idioms.
This dictionary is a definitive tool for the modern study of ancient greek, away from both oversimplification and complexity, allowing effortless consultation to a wide range of users. The entry list includes all words used by authors commonly studied in secondary schools specializing in classical studies. Translations have been choosen in order to respect the current use of Italian language.

[version: 2017]
• over 140.000 entries
• 7.500 verbal paradigs and inflected forms
• 25.000 constructions
• 13.500 phrases and proverbs
• 4.500 synonyms and antonyms
• 750 greek prefixes and suffixes used in Italian

Search software:
[version: 18.1.hpgreek]
• Direct search of the headword index
• Advanced search by field:
  - Headwords
  - Translations
  - Entire text
  - Using predefined parameters
• Use of wild-card characters and logical operator
• Instant search of every word within an entry

You need a politonic greek keyboard if you want to search for greek words.

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