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GRANDE DIZIONARIO HOEPLI INGLESE - downloadable version + online version

GRANDE DIZIONARIO HOEPLI INGLESE - downloadable version + online version
GRANDE DIZIONARIO HOEPLI INGLESE - downloadable version + online version
ISBN: 978-88-9353-014-9
44.80 €
incl. 4% VAT [?]
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[version: 2023]
● 20,000 headwords
● 600,000 definitions and phrases
● 70,000 synonyms and opposites
● Phonetic spelling of English headwords and an indication of where to place stress on Italian headwords
● Constructions of all verb forms, including dependent prepositions, etc.
● Inflections of irregular nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs
● Countable and uncountable English nouns

Search software:
[version: 23.1.picchi]
• Direct search of the headword index
• Approximate search of headwords activated when no exact match is found
• Advanced search by field:
  - Headwords
  - Entire text
  - Phraseology
  - Using predefined parameters (grammatical categories, registers and specialist fields)
• Use of wild-card characters and logical operators
• Instant search of every word within an entry

The Grande dizionario Hoepli di inglese is also avalaible in the downloadable versionfor just 39.80 €TRY! - BUY!
The Grande dizionario Hoepli di inglese is also avalaible in the downloadable version
for just 39.80 €

The Grande dizionario Hoepli di inglese is also available in the online version
for just 19.80 €
The Grande dizionario Hoepli di inglese is also available in the online versionfor just 19.80 €TRY! - BUY!

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