Edigeo Grande dizionario economico & commerciale inglese Inglese-Italiano/Italiano-Inglese Hoepli
The globalisation of the economy and the world of finance has led managers, analysts, and financial and business operators all over the world to communicate in the same language: English. This English-Italian business dictionary, compiled by Edigeo, is an invaluable work of reference that combines the terminology of traditional fields of business with that of more innovative sectors, such as computer science, human resources, logistics, marketing and professional training.
Databank: [version: 2014]
● 108,000 entries, 50,000 definitions, 10,000 examples
● Information regarding the sectors terms are used in
● Detailed information on the differences between British English and American English
● A vast collection of IFRS-IAS (International Financial Reporting Standards - International Accounting Standards) terms
● A range of templates for commercial letters in both languages
● Authentic Italian and English documents and texts: contracts, financial statements, forms, sales contracts and deeds of partnership
Search software: [version: 18.1.hbe]
• Direct search of headword entries
• Advanced search by field:
- Headwords
- Phraseology
- Translations
- Entire text
- Specialist fields
• Use of wild-card characters and logical operators
• Instant search of every word within an entry
The Dizionario inglese economico & commerciale is also avalaible in the downloadable version for just 59.80 € TRY! - BUY!
The Dizionario inglese economico & commerciale is also available in the online version for just 39.80 € TRY! - BUY!