Fernando Picchi Grande dizionario Hoepli inglese Inglese-Italiano/Italiano-Inglese Hoepli
This is the ultimate and comprehensive new edition of Fernando Picchi’s English-Italian dictionary, updated and enlarged with an enormous quantity of specialist terms from technical-scientific and economics-business fields, in line with the most recent developments in these branches of learning. The focus on quality and the extensive range of the material make it an invaluable reference work for translators and students, who will welcome its abundance of definitions, idioms, synonyms and opposites.
Databank: [version: 2023]
● 20,000 headwords
● 600,000 definitions and phrases
● 70,000 synonyms and opposites
● Phonetic spelling of English headwords and an indication of where to place stress on Italian headwords
● Constructions of all verb forms, including dependent prepositions, etc.
● Inflections of irregular nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs
● Countable and uncountable English nouns
Search software: [version: 23.1.picchi]
• Direct search of the headword index
• Approximate search of headwords activated when no exact match is found
• Advanced search by field:
- Headwords
- Entire text
- Phraseology
- Using predefined parameters (grammatical categories, registers and specialist fields)
• Use of wild-card characters and logical operators
• Instant search of every word within an entry
You can buy the Grande dizionario Hoepli di inglese in the online + downloadable versions for just 44.80 €! TRY! - BUY!
The Grande dizionario Hoepli di inglese is also avalaible in the downloadable version for just 39.80 € TRY! - BUY!