Edigeo Grande Dizionario Tedesco Hoepli Tedesco-Italiano / Italiano-Tedesco New edition of il Sansoni Tedesco
Entirely reworked and updated on the basis of the historical volume created by the Sansoni Lexicographic Center led by Vladimiro Macchi, this dictionary responds to the need to follow the continuous evolution of the German language. As well as being a comprehensive and up-to-date German-Italian dictionary as far as specialist scientific terminology is concerned, it also provides a record of the linguistic heritage of both
languages, including that of the forms of German spoken in Austria and Switzerland. This new edition compiled by Edigeo has been expanded with a vast number of neologisms and idiomatic expressions. The dictionary meets the current needs of students and translators
while preserving the terminology required for understanding literary classics and texts of the past.
The work conforms to the rules of the 2006 spelling reform, but in the German-Italian section old spellings are also given, cross-referenced to the new spellings.
Attention!Before installing this new downloadable version, you must uninstall, if present on your system, the old version of Sansoni Tedesco.
Databank: [version: 2022]
• professional version
• 180,000 headwords
• 300,000 definitions
• 70,000 phrases
• Systematic information on prepositions used with verbs
• Receptiveness to neologisms in the living language and to those linked to new technology
• Focus on the historical heritage of the two languages
• Ease of reference thanks to the neat layout of headwords and definitions, equipped with explanatory glosses
• Clear indications of register
• Two-way consultation
Search software: [version: 22.1.sg]
• Direct search of headword index
• Advanced search by field:
- Headwords
- Phraseology
- Translations
- Entire text
- Using predefined parameters (grammatical categories, specialist categories, registers and use, source language)
• Conjugations of all Italian and German verbs
• Use of wild-card characters and logical operators
• Instant search of every word within an entry
il Sansoni Tedesco is also avalaible in the downloadable version for just 39.80 € TRY! - BUY!
il Sansoni Tedesco is also available in the online version for just 19.80 € TRY! - BUY!