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L'Enciclopedia Zanichelli - online version (1 year)

L'Enciclopedia Zanichelli - online version (1 year)
L'Enciclopedia Zanichelli - online version (1 year)
ISBN: 978-88-9353-076-7
19.80 €
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The database is upgraded every three months:
• online users always access to the latest updated version;
• stand-alone users have the right of upgrade for three years, and receive an e-mail whenever a new update is available.

[last update: 2024/04/02]
• more than 71.000 entries compiled by specialists and regularly updated
• 40 specialist fields
• all dates and places of birth and death; dates of artistic and literary works
• 14.000 geographical entries with interactive maps
• 12.000 external documents (images, drawings, tables) linked to entries
• 2.000 entries linked to a widening website
• a circuit made of 15.000 cross-references

Search software:
[version: 24.1.ez]
• Direct search of the headword index
• Approximate search of headwords activated when no exact match is found
• Advanced search by field:
  - Headwords
  - Entire text
  - Usage labels
• Use of wild-card characters and logical operators
• Instant search of every word within an entry
• An Internet connection is needed to access the external documents

l'Enciclopedia Zanichelli is also avalaible in the downloadable versionfor just 39.80 €TRY! - BUY!
l'Enciclopedia Zanichelli is also avalaible in the downloadable version
for just 39.80 €

You can buy l'Enciclopedia Zanichelli in the online + downloadable versionsfor just 44.80 €!TRY! - BUY!
You can buy l'Enciclopedia Zanichelli in the online + downloadable versions
for just 44.80 €!

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