Edigeo Grande dizionario economico & commerciale tedesco Tedesco-Italiano/Italiano-Tedesco Hoepli
The German Business Dictionary contains a wide choice of entries and expressions - more than 112.000 over all - together with a great number of usage examples, spanning in all fields of economy and trade.
The dictionary deals exhaustively with all different subfields of business and labour areas, with a great opening to specific languages, such as environment, quality management, information technology.
The dictionary is completed by a wide appendix made with templates of bilingual documents, and linguistic tools.
Databank: [version: 2015]
• 90,200 entries, 62,000 definitions, 10,000 examples
• Information regarding the sectors terms are used in
• A range of templates for commercial letters in both languages
• Authentic Italian and German documents and texts: contracts, financial statements, forms, sales contracts and deeds of partnership
Search software: [version: 18.1.hbg]
• Direct search of headword entries
• Advanced search by field:
- Headwords
- Phraseology
- Translations
- Entire text
- Specialist fields
• Use of wild-card characters and logical operators
• Instant search of every word within an entry
The Dizionario tedesco economico & commerciale is also avalaible in the downloadable version for just 59.80 € TRY! - BUY!
The Dizionario tedesco economico & commerciale is also available in the online version for just 39.80 € TRY! - BUY!